Training and Workshops
Are you considering purchasing a 3D printer or do you own a printer, but can’t seem to get it to work well? 3DprintCQ has a “Basic 3Dprinting” course that may answer some of your questions! Royce will come to your location (within 180km of Dysart), and provide this training in person, to a maximum of 8 attendees.
In our 5 hour course, we provide an overview of the following:
What 3D printing is & what types are available
Available materials & their properties
Safety aspects of printing
Printer types & construction
Printer resolution
Nozzle height & bed level importance
Preparing a CAD file using CURA & relevant settings
How to set nozzle height
How to level bed
Starting a print
Removing a print from print bed
Post printing cleanup
Course cost includes:
Take home course notes for participants
A certificate of participation for all participants
Supply of projector & screen
Supply of name plates for trainees
3D printed training aids
Various 3D printer hardware items for trainees to view
Supply of 3D printers for course
While a laptop computer isn’t required, it’s highly recommended that participants bring one along to get the most out of the course.